About The Compass Center, Our Staff, and Community Advisors
Who We Are
The History of The Compass Center (formerly the Center for Faith and Vocation)
For over 20 years the Center for Faith and Vocation had been a part of Butler’s landscape to help cultivate communities of religious diversity and distinctiveness while also partnering with students, faculty, and staff on exploring the pursuit of their life purpose. To increase our goals of being inclusive to all students, we updated our name to The Compass Center in 2024. To carry out our mission, we have a dynamic staff, student interns, and an array of campus and community partners.
Continuing Our Legacy
In 1995, Butler University received a $70,000 Lilly Endowment grant to create what has been the Butler Seminar on Religion and Global Affairs, which is now the Butler Series on Religion and Society. Building on this relationship, a roughly $2,000,000 Lilly Endowment grant was provided to Butler in 2002 to establish the Center for Faith and Vocation, and the Seminar was folded in as a flagship offering of the CFV. Between 2006-2009, then President Bobby Fong included a fundraising priority in the capital campaign to sustain the CFV. Since 2010, the CFV has been independently funded through university support, endowments, and external grants. Under its new name, The Compass Center will continue this important legacy of furthering the dialogue and lived experience of religious and secular diversity while encouraging big questions related to meaning, purpose, and contribution. We are proud of this history and the important offerings the Center has been able to facilitate, both on campus and within Indianapolis, using the language of “Faith and Vocation” for over 20 years. Moving forward, The Compass Center is excited to emphasize these same themes while maintaining our commitment to ensure that all are included in the exploration of religious, spiritual, and secular life, and the pursuit of meaning and purpose.
The Compass Center Staff

Marguerite Stanciu is assistant director of The Compass Center at Butler University. She graduated from the University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and English and the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco with a Master of Arts in Intercultural Philosophy and Religion. Marguerite is an authorized meditation instructor and teacher in the Buddhist and Shambhala (secular) traditions. Her interest in social justice issues reflects her commitment to valuing community and honoring varieties of religious, cultural and vocational experiences that call us to be more of who we are and to contribute to the greater good when we are able. Marguerite serves as staff adviser for Butler Meditation.

Imam Anisse Adni has served the Central Indiana and DFW areas for over 15 years as a religious leader and community organizer. Imam Anisse graduated from Marian University and studied Islamic Theology and Sciences at the Qalam Seminary in Texas. Passionate about facilitating meaningful conversations and helping others wherever they are on their journey, Imam Anisse strives to maintain a safe and welcoming environment where everyone can freely share and express themselves without fear of judgment or reprisal. Currently, he serves as the Imam of the Alsalam Foundation in Carmel, the Muslim Life Advisor at Butler, and the Executive Director of Inspyred, an initiative addressing the socio-spiritual needs of Muslim youth, young adults, and families, inspiring and empowering them to develop and sustain a proud and reflective American Muslim identity.

Michael Aronson joined The Compass Center as Jewish Life Advisor in April 2023 during a Future Faculty Teaching Fellowship year at Butler University’s College of Communication. Michael holds a master’s degree in Jewish Studies from Hebrew College in Newton Center, Massachusetts, and is working towards his doctorate in Media Studies at Indiana University-Bloomington. Michael serves the Jewish community at Butler by channeling his passions for living in community, Jewish learning, adult education and pluralism towards helping The Compass Center create an inclusive and loving environment for all people at Butler.

Born and raised in southcentral Pennsylvania in one of only two counties in the Commonwealth without a traffic light, Brent Hege earned his BA in Religion and History with a minor in Classics from Gettysburg College (PA) in 1998. He completed the Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung Diplom (German Language Certificate) at the Goethe Institut in Dresden, Germany, in 2000 while completing his MA in Historical Theology with a minor in New Testament at The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (PA). He earned his PhD in Theology with Distinction from Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Richmond, VA, in 2007. His dissertation was awarded the 2010 John Templeton Award for Theological Promise by the Forschungszentrum Internationale und Interdisziplinäre Theologie at the University of Heidelberg, Germany. He was honored by his alma mater with the 2013 Gettysburg College Young Alumni Achievement Award and in 2015 he was elected an honorary member of Butler’s chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. In 2017 he received the Outstanding Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching from Butler’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and in 2024 he received the Butler University First-Year Impact Award for his work teaching and mentoring first-year students at Butler. In 2017 he was appointed The Compass Center Scholar in Residence and in 2020 he was promoted to Senior Lecturer in Religion. He has taught at Butler since 2008.
Teaching Duties
As a faculty member of Butler’s Religious Studies program, Hege teaches the yearlong First Year Seminar, “Faith, Doubt, and Reason,” the Texts & Ideas (TI) course, “Religions of the World,” online every summer, and the following 300-level Religious Studies courses: God, Theologies of Liberation, Evil, Religious Pluralism, and Ecotheology. Hege has directed several offerings of the Butler Series on Religion and Society, including “Religion, Race, and Culture” (2015-2016), “Sacred Spaces: Intersections of Religion and Ecology” (2018-2019), and “Faith and Activism” (2022-2023). Hege is also the Compass Center Scholar in Residence, where he works with a cohort of student Scholars on issues of interfaith engagement and vocational discernment. Hege holds affiliate faculty status in the programs of Race, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies, Science, Technology, and Environmental Studies, and the Center for Urban Ecology and Sustainability. In 2022, Hege successfully chartered Butler’s chapter of Theta Alpha Kappa, the national honors society for Religious Studies and Theology, for which he serves as faculty advisor. Hege is also the faculty advisor of Grace Unlimited, Butler’s Lutheran-Episcopal campus ministry.
Hege’s research focuses on the history of Christian thought and contemporary Christian theology, with special focus on 19th- and 20th-century liberal Protestant theology, continental philosophy and philosophical theology, contemporary constructive theology, Lutheranism, and theology and culture. In addition to his award-winning first book, Faith at the Intersection of History and Experience: The Theology of Georg Wobbermin (Wipf and Stock, 2009), he has published articles and invited review essays in a number of European and American journals, including Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte/Journal for the History of Modern Theology, Theologische Zeitschrift, Theology and Science, Radical Philosophy Review, Politics and Religion, and Teaching Theology and Religion. He is also a frequent reviewer of books on historical and contemporary theology for Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology. He has presented papers at national and regional academic conferences, including The American Academy of Religion and The Southwest Popular Culture Association and The American Culture Association, as well as being a frequent guest lecturer and panel member for school, church, and community programs. His second book, Myth, History, and the Resurrection in German Protestant Theology, was published by Pickwick Press in 2017. His most recent book, based on the first semester of his popular Butler First Year Seminar, is Faith, Doubt, and Reason (Wipf and Stock 2020). In 2020 he was elected to the editorial council of Dialog: A Journal of Theology, the world’s premier journal of Lutheran theology.
Community Advisors

Fr. James Brockmeier has been a Catholic priest since 2016 and has served as a pastor, a vocations director, a high school chaplain, and now as the chaplain of the Butler Catholic Community. Fr. James also serves as the Rector of the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul downtown and the director of the Office of Worship for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. He loves being a part of and building up communities of faith, which he has an opportunity to be a part of here both with the Butler Catholic Community and The Compass Center community as a whole.

Lisa Frank is the Coordinator of Jewish Life at Butler Hillel. A graduate of UW-Madison with a BA in Hebrew & Semitic Studies and Communications, and a certificate in Jewish Studies, Lisa also obtained a MS in Public Service Administration/Nonprofit Management from DePaul University. Lisa held a number of both professional and lay leader roles in the Jewish communities of Minneapolis, Madison, Chicago and Indianapolis, and has been working with Hillel at Butler since 2019.

Cheyenne Johnson is the Director of Campus Ministry for the Butler Catholic Community. An Indianapolis native, Cheyenne is a Butler Alumni, having obtained a degree in Music and Elementary Education with minors in Chinese and Diverse Learners. Before returning to Butler, she worked in campus ministry at the Newman Center at IU in Bloomington, IN. Cheyenne is passionate about spreading the love of Christ through the Catholic faith, and helping students find and grow in their faith.

Kailene Lewis has been on staff with Cru for about ten years starting out in Boise, ID, then Moscow, Russia, and now Indianapolis, IN. She graduated from Boise State University with a degree in English and Communication. Kailene is passionate about helping students grow in their faith, sharing the love of God, and experiencing the beauty of the world.

The Rev. Matthew Masko (“Pastor Matt”) currently serves as the Interim Chaplain of Grace Unlimited, the cooperative campus ministry at Butler University of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and the Episcopal Church. As an ordained ELCA pastor, Pastor Matt has served congregations in rural North Dakota and Indiana. He now serves the Indiana-Kentucky Synod of the ELCA as an intentional interim pastor, which is what brings him to Butler. Pastor Matt is passionate about accompanying students, staff, and faculty as they go about their lives at Butler, and having conversations about how they understand their work and play through their unique spiritual (or non-spiritual!) lens. He also enjoys wrestling with questions of identity and the deep questions of faith and life.

Rev. Seth Mierow is an ordained pastor in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. He has served as the Parish Pastor of St Peter’s Lutheran Church since 2008 and as the Campus Pastor for Lutheran students at Butler University since 2010.

Hello. I’m Ryan Speicher. This is my 22nd year with Cru. After graduating from Purdue University, I was on staff there with Cru for 10 years. Our family then moved to Berlin, Germany to serve with Cru there. After five years in Deutschland, we moved to Indianapolis, where I have helped lead the Indy Metro Cru Team for seven years now.

Matt Williams is passionate about helping student-athletes learn how to become a Total Athlete by integrating their faith and sport. He believes in the expansive love of Jesus and loves creating community and making others feel included.
Compass Center University Committee
Many Butler University faculty and staff volunteer their time and contribute their talents to helping make The Compass Center a richer community for all.
John Perkins (Chair)
Associate Professor of Music
Jordan College of the Arts
Susan Adams
Professor, Early/Middle Childhood Education
College of Education
Olujide Akinbo
Professor of Chemistry
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Stephanie Enz
Associate Professor
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Shelley Furuness
Associate Professor
College of Education
Jane Gervasio
Professor, Pharmacy Practice
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Robbie Lopez-Shue
Executive Director-Student Success
Jen Mann
Director of Academic Services • Center for Academic Success & Exploration
Marleen McCormick
Associate Professor
Lacy School of Business
Eileen Taylor
Lecturer, Communications and Media Studies
College of Communication
Leah Weprich
Associate Director, Wellness and Safety
Health and Recreation Center
Robert Bennett
Professor of Business Law
Lacy School of Business
Bruce Bigelow
Professor of Geography and History
Scott Bridge
Internship Director, Instructor of Electronic Journalism
College of Communication
Bonnie Brown
Associate Dean for Student Affairs, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Rose Campbell
Professor of Communication
Andy Cassler
Career Advisor
Career and Professional Services
Mary Gospel
Senior Clinical Faculty
College of Communications
Chera Justice
Former Fitness Coordinator
Health and Recreation Center
Bill Johnston
Professor of Mathematics
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Katherine Kelton
Associate Professor of Music
Jordan College of the Arts
Beth Lohman
Associate Director, Fitness and Wellness, Recreation
Allison O’Malley (formerly)
Assistant Professor of Psychology
Susan Neville
Demia Butler Professor of English
Cynthia Payne (formerly)
Center for Academic Success and Exploration
Robert Pribush
Emeritus Professor of Chemistry
Deb Skinner
Associate Professor of Marketing
Lacy School of Business
Paul Valliere
McGregor Professor in the Humanities
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Co-Founder of The Center for Faith and Vocation, now named The Compass Center, and Founder of the Center’s University Committee
Peter Wang
Lecturer, Art History/Art + Design
Jordan College of the Arts
Mindy Welch
Associate Professor
Human Movement and Health Sciences, College of Education
Katie Wood
Assistant Director for Health Promotion and Wellness