Butler Religious Holiday Accommodations Policy and Calendar

The Policy on Religious Holidays provides guidance to students on how to navigate accommodations when their faith tradition practice poses a conflict with their academic study. In addition, we provide a list of dates of when the holidays occur for the current academic year from the traditions most common among our students, faculty, and staff. We advise faculty to try to avoid putting exams or elements of class that cannot be made up on these dates; we also suggest campus partners who design programs try to avoid these dates.

View the Policy on Religious Holidays.

View the Accommodating Religious Observance AY 2023-2025 – Academic Resource.

Butler University Faith-Based Community Responses: Vigils, Memorials, and Gatherings

At times students may desire a faith-based response to a local, national, or global set of events.  This set of Guidelines for Butler University Faith-Based Community Responses is designed to articulate the guidelines for a community-wide faith-based response if it is to be sponsored by Butler University (and coordinated in conjunction with The Compass Center), representing the wider campus communities.

Vocational Reflection Resource

The Vocational Reflection Resource is a menu of different practices faculty have been accessing to help infuse vocational reflection into their courses.

Meaning and Purpose Exploration into Curricula

The Meaning and Purpose Exploration in Curricula is a menu of different practices faculty have been accessing to help infuse vocational reflection into their courses.

Multifaith Calendar

The Harvard Divinity School provides an excellent Multifaith Calendar.

Academic Study of Religion

For students interested in the academic study of religion, we have further details about the Religious Studies program on campus.