Applied Music
At the end of each semester, all music majors play a “jury” for a committee of faculty from their area. The jury represents the final exam for the semester of applied study. A student is exempted from playing a jury if he/she has presented a graded recital during the second half of the semester. Each area handles juries differently; see each area’s requirements below. At the end of the sophomore year, the jury requirements can be more stringent, depending on the student’s degree plan, and that jury is called an “Upper Divisional Examination” (see “B” below for more information).
Jury Information by Area
Brass juries are usually held on the first day of final exams. Students sign up on a sheet posted approximately two weeks in advance of the jury date, and this sheet is posted on the glass overlooking the stairwell next to the School of Music office. Accompanists are encouraged but not required (this varies by instructor in the Brass area), and memorization is never required. All juries are 10 minutes in length with the exception of the Upper Divisional Examination, which is 20 minutes in length. All juries include prepared pieces, scales, and sight reading. Students studying a brass instrument at the secondary level are not required to perform a jury, but are allowed to do so with the approval of their instructor.
Percussion juries are generally held during the last week of classes (during the last percussion ensemble rehearsal time). Requirements for juries change every semester, and can include performing a solo (on any instrument), sight reading, a written exam, orchestral excerpts, a mock audition, or a combination of any of these. The juries are almost always held in a class situation (i.e. in front of the entire studio).
Piano juries occur during finals week. Students registered for major-level lessons (2 credits) will play three memorized pieces from contrasting style periods. Students registered for secondary-level lessons (1 credit) will play a minimum of two pieces from contrasting style periods, one of which must be memorized. Sign-up sheets are posted at least two weeks before the juries take place.
String juries normally occur at the beginning of finals week. Normally the length of the jury is 20 minutes for performance majors and 10 minutes for all other majors. Students sign up for a jury time approximately 2 weeks before the end of the semester; the sign-up sheet is posted on the glass overlooking the stairwell next to the School of Music office. While the use of a pianist is strongly encouraged, it is not required. Similarly, memorization is encouraged, but not required. Secondary students play a jury at their teacher’s discretion
Voice juries take place during finals week. Normally the jury takes 10 minutes. Music is to be memorized and students use their regular accompanists or arrange to hire one from a list provided by the Coordinator of Accompanying. Complete Voice Jury Sheet here.
Woodwind juries normally occur at the beginning of finals week. Typically the length of the jury is 20 minutes for performance majors and 10 minutes for all other majors. Students sign up for a jury time approximately 2 weeks before the end of the semester; the sign-up sheet is posted on the glass overlooking the stairwell next to the School of Music office. The required use of a pianist varies by teacher. Memorization is not required.
The Upper Divisional Examination is required of all music majors whose degrees require applied major study beyond the sophomore level. Failure to pass the exam will require repetition of 200-level study on the major instrument or voice until the exam is passed. The examination is graded pass/fail by a faculty committee. The student should register for AM 299, “Upper Divisional Examination” (P/F)(U)(0), in the semester that he/she is playing the Upper Divisional. Requirements differ by area (see below). The following are general guidelines for the Upper Divisional:
- The student must achieve a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 in all applied music study prior to the semester in which the exam is taken.
- The examination will be repertoire-based. Students should consult their applied music instructor or the School of Music website for a repertoire list. See below for area-specific information and requirements.
- The examination will be given as the regular jury during the last semester of 200-level study, usually at the end of the sophomore year. Makeup examinations or re-tests may be taken when juries are normally given during the school year.
- Students will be notified of approval, denial, or a required re-hearing, to be scheduled at a time of mutual agreement between the student, teacher, and area faculty.
- Students may not play a junior recital unless they have passed the Upper Divisional Examination and are studying at the 400 level.
- Successful completion of the Applied Music Upper Divisional is a requirement for the Upper Divisional in Music Education.
Upper Divisional Requirements by Area:
Upper Divisional Examinations in the brass area are 20 minutes in length and are repertoire based; each studio has specific repertoire requirements and technical requirements (see below). The faculty panel discusses the progress of each student and each member votes on whether the student passes the UD, must re-take the UD at a later date, or receives a “partial” pass and must re-take certain portions of the UD. Students may replace the repertoire portion of the UD with a graded recital, providing they perform repertoire from the required repertoire list. In this case, the student must still perform the “technical requirements” portion of the UD for the faculty panel.
The string area’s Upper Divisional Examinations last 30 minutes. There are specific requirements for scales, etudes, and solo repertoire; the requirements for each instrument are listed below.
“Secondary” lessons are defined as lessons for students who are not music majors, or as lessons for a music major on an instrument or voice that is not their major. Students interested in secondary lessons must submit a Request for Applied Secondary Lessons form, available in Forms Central or in the School of Music office (Lilly Hall, room 229).
Please note that the music faculty passed the following applied music policy effective Fall, 2005:
Non-music majors wishing to study Applied Music must also be enrolled in a School of Music ensemble.
The School of Music assigns applied instructors based on the developmental needs of the student, student preference, and the available space in each instructor’s studio. Every attempt is made to accommodate each student’s unique needs, preference, and growth potential.
Students who wish to change applied instructors are encouraged to discuss the switch with their current teacher first. If a student is not comfortable discussing this with their current teacher, they should contact their advisor, or the Associate Director of Undergraduate (or Graduate) Studies, or the Director of the School of Music.
Updated April 2021
Each semester, any student enrolled for private lessons (“Applied Music”) at the major (2 credits), or secondary (1 credit) level pays a fee per credit hour of AM enrollment. This fee is intended to help offset the expense of one-on-one instruction, and is considered a “miscellaneous fee,” not a tuition expense. Check the Butler University website for the current fee amount.
Accompanists are provided for a limited amount of lessons and/or rehearsals for each student enrolled in applied music at the major level. At the beginning of each semester, the applied faculty submits an “Information Request Form for Accompanists” to the Coordinator of Accompanying, who then assigns a staff pianist to each student. Students pay for extra rehearsals and performances beyond the allotted load time.
The school does not provide pianists for secondaries, but a list of available pianists for hire will be provided to faculty each semester.
Current fees* for accompanists are as follows:
- Degree recitals—$100.00 half recital – $150.00 full recital
- Convocation recitals—$25.00
- Juries—$25.00
- Concerto Competition—$25.00
- Extra rehearsals—$25.00/hour (for rehearsals outside of pianists’ load time)
*Fees are subject to change. Performances not mentioned above need to be discussed in advance with your accompanist.
Many applied faculty members hold a studio class on a regular basis. A studio class can be defined as a gathering of all students who study with a particular teacher or who study a specific instrument. The studio class is an important component of private applied study wherein common issues such as repertoire, public performance, and career development are explored.
Many faculty members require registration in AM 222/422 (Voice Studio Class), AM 226/426 (Piano Studio Class), or AM 298/498 (Instrumental Studio Class). These are zero-credit registrations; freshmen and sophomores register for the 200-level, and juniors and seniors register for the 400-level.
Butler University’s School of Music is fortunate to host frequent visits by guest artists and composers, who often provide instruction in a master class setting.