Statistics Program

The statistics major is designed for students interested in the mathematical study of data and data analysis. It gives students a powerful understanding of how and why statistical investigations and inference work. It provides exposure to real-life questions that involve both the gentle handling of small amounts of data and the computer software crunching power needed for large data sets.

To search for statistics courses, please visit the Course Catalog. To learn more about completing the degree in three years, visit the Three-Year Programs Majors website.

    NOTE: The information found on this website with respect to major/minor/program requirements is primarily directed at providing prospective students a general roadmap of the curriculum.  Current Butler students are expected to review their degree audit report at and speak with their advisor regularly for detailed information regarding their specific degree requirements and their progress toward degree completion.  

    Advising Blueprint for Career Development

    We have compiled an Advising Blueprint for Statistics Majors, which gives suggested activities during your four years at Butler to better support your future career.