Campus Demonstrations & Free Speech

Butler University respects the rights of all members of the academic community to express their ideas freely and to demonstrate their concerns collectively by orderly means. Public dialog and debate within an environment that encourages diverse views are vital to the University’s mission. In exercising their free speech rights, University community members assume responsibility for the consequences of their actions and do not represent the University.

The right of expression at Butler University includes peaceful protests and orderly demonstrations. At the same time, the right to protest and demonstrate does not include the right to engage in conduct that disrupts the University’s operations or endangers the safety of others. All forms of speech/protest must adhere to state and federal laws, as well as University policies. In particular, prohibited conduct identified in the University’s Rules of Conduct includes:

(Rule #2)  Disruption of teaching, research, administrative, or student conduct procedures or other University activities, including its public functions, or other authorized activities on or off University premises.

(Rule #3)  Involvement in behavior that could or does result in physical injury, destruction of University property or that of a third party, or obstruction of the normal functioning of the University.

Other policies and procedures must also be regarded to include:  Non-discrimination, amplified sound, space and event registration, solicitation and the Performance, Presentation, and Speaker Policy noted below.

Performance, Presentation, and Speaker Events Policy

Butler University understands that the exchange of ideas and the opportunity to critically analyze and express different viewpoints is essential to a free and vigorous academic environment. The University wholeheartedly supports academic presentation, performance and speakers that engage and challenge through authentic intellectual dialogue and debate. As to any public events sponsored by faculty or staff and administrators or student organizations, the speakers and events are subject to time, place and manner restrictions and to policies and procedures adopted by the University. As such the University reserves the right to review speakers and programs. While restrictions on expression must be reluctant and limited, in some situations, they may be deemed appropriate. The University prohibits any permanent or temporary structures or shelters on University property.  Refusal to remove a structure or shelter could result in criminal charges or conduct action.  The University acknowledges that there are religious ceremonies and celebrations that utilize temporary structures. The Compass Center must approve those temporary structures. More detailed information can be found in the link provided above.