Butler Family Council
The Family Council is an excellent way to stay involved with Butler University and represent Butler in your community during your student’s undergraduate career. Members of the Family Council come from various backgrounds and regions and are extremely important as they serve as the voice of families of current Butler students. Additionally, the Council sponsors the Leadership Impact Award program, recognizing faculty and staff for their work on behalf of parents and families.
The Family Council consists of approximately 35 family members. Members represent all four undergraduate classes. Members can serve for the entire duration of their Butler student’s undergraduate career.
Family Council members are expected to:
- Attend two meetings per year: Friday of Family Weekend (Sept. 27, 2024) and a Spring date in late March or early April, 2025
- Meet virtually as a member of one of the Family Council Committees throughout the year
- Volunteer as a representative of the Family Council
Volunteer opportunities for Family Council members include admission recruiting, helping during Orientation and Family Weekend, participating in Family Council committees of Advocacy, Communications, Programming and Awards and Recognition, speaking with prospective/new family members, student mentoring, assisting with fundraising, and assisting with regional events.
Application Has Been Closed for 2024
The application for the 2024-2025 Family Council is now closed. For next year, Butler student family members can apply to be on the Council each year their student is enrolled as a Butler undergraduate student. We appreciate those that apply and welcome those not on the council to apply again!
Family Council Members
The following members of the Family Council are happy to be a resource to you as fellow Butler family members.
Kristen Boice ’97
Student: Ali Boice ‘28
Location: Noblesville, IN
Contact: kristenboice@yahoo.com
Bonnie and Ryan Kandel
Student: Calyx Kandel ‘28
Glen Danahey
Student: Brock Danahey ‘26
Location: Westlake, OH
Contact: Glen.Danahey@icloud.com
Damon and Tytishia Davis
Location: Fishers, IN
Contact: tydavis1025@gmail.com
Starr Dinio
Student: Solee Dinio ‘25
Emily and Timothy Dobry
Student: Addison Dobry ‘28
Location: Naperville, IL
Contact: emilydobry@gmail.com
Scott Drichel
Student: Anika Drichel ’25
Location: Bloomington, IN
Contact: sdrichel@me.com
Beth Ernsberger ’90
Student: Isabella Ernsberger ’25
Location: South Bend, IN
Contact: bernsberger@insource.org
Jerrod and April Furlong
Student: Emma Furlong ’27
Location: Lithia, FL
Contact: jerrodfurlong73@gmail.com; aprilfurlong@hotmail.com
Trish and Mark Goodman
Student: Pilar Goodman ’26
Location: Ross, CA
Contact: trishscottgoodman@gmail.com
Tim and Jana Heinrich
Student: Caitlin Heinrich ’25
Location: Madison, WI
Contact: js_heinrich@yahoo.com
Michele Hewitt
Student: Satiyah Hewitt ’27
Location: Catawba, NC
Contact: chele929@yahoo.com
Elaine Hicks
Student: Brendan Hicks ’25
Bonnie and Ryan Kandel
Student: Calyx Kandel ’28
Christina Leinart
Student: Mila Kvasnicka ’28
Location: Libertyville, IL
Contact: clleinart@gmail.com
Gail Mayerle-Isbell ’95
Student: Anna Isbell ’25
Kelly and Troy Metz
Student: Jameson Metz ’27
Location: Derwood, MD
Contact: kelly@oconnorcs.com
Charissa ’95 and Greg Osborne
Student: Elijah Osborne ’27
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Contact: charissao@comcast.net; gregosborne@outlook.com
Allen Rodriguez
Student: Alessa Rodriguez ’26
Charis and Ronald Roach
Student: Isaiah Roach ’28
Location: Corbin, KY
Contact: Charis0423@gmail.com; roachmrro@gmail.com
Steve Rubloff
Student: Evan Rubloff ’25
Location: Potomac Falls, VA
Contact: SARubloff@yahoo.com
Ann Soards ’95
Student: Allison Soards ’26
Alanna Verdi
Student: Sadie Nelson ’26
Jennifer Velarde
Student: Jennifer Velarde on ’27

After a morning and afternoon of meetings, the Family Council was able to gather at Chatham Tap for a social event together with each other and students.

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