Internships & Jobs

Internships and jobs help you find career paths that match your academic and personal interests. Relevant experiences give you competitive advantages in the marketplace. And, studies show that one of the highest indicators of post-graduate success for liberal arts-educated students is the number of internships completed.

We can help. Our services are free of charge, for all Butler students and graduates, for life.

Current Students: Schedule an appointment on Navigate to meet with a career advisor.

Graduate Students and Alumni: Schedule an appointment on Handshake to meet with a career advisor.

Know Your Rights

Students who participate in internships or experiential education (practicums, student teaching, pharmacy rotations, etc.) have a right to expect a professional environment free from sexual misconduct. Learn about available sexual misconduct resources and reporting options should you experience such a situation in your internship or experiential education setting. We strive to provide a strong network of diversity-related resources and services to support Butler’s campus community.