MSE Research and Course Development Grants

Faculty Research Grants

Faculty conducting significant research projects relevant to Islam and Muslims may apply for research funds up to $5,000 (depending on demand and availability, $4,000 of which may be paid as a stipend). Faculty receiving research funds are expected to present their research for students and colleagues in a lecture or brown bag event the following school year. Applicants should use a slightly modified application form established by Butler’s Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) for the BAC Faculty Research Grant, and submit the application to Note that the application includes a brief statement (one page or less) indicating the relevance of the proposed project to the study of Islam and/or Muslims. Decisions on which applications to fund (and for how much) will be made within several weeks after the BAC deadline by a committee including representatives from the MSE and OSP (or their replacements, as designated by the Dean of LAS). While much of the process is the same, the funding sources for MSE and BAC are separate, and it is possible to receive funding from both, and neither selection committee should be influenced by the decisions of the other.

For questions about the MSE Research Grant application process, eligibility, etc., contact

For questions about how Research Grant funds may be used, once granted, contact

Application details

Application form

Course Development Grants

Faculty developing courses or significant course components related to Islam and Muslims and/or interfaith engagements/understanding may apply for course development funds up to $1,000 (depending on demand and availability) in stipend and/or to cover expenses related to course development, following slightly modified guidelines laid out by the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) for the BAC Course Development Grants, and submit the application to Note that the application includes a brief statement (one page or less) indicating the relevance of the proposed project to the aims of the MSE as stated on the endowment’s home page. Decisions on which applications to fund (and for how much) will be made within several weeks after the BAC deadline by a committee including representatives from the MSE and OSP (or their replacements as designated by the Dean of LAS). While much of the process is the same, the funding sources for MSE and BAC are separate, and it is possible to receive funding from both, and neither selection committee should be influenced by the decisions of the other.

For questions about the MSE Course Development Grant application process, eligibility, etc., contact

For questions about how MSE Course Development funds may be used, once granted, contact

Application details

Application form