Green Grad Program

The Green Grad program aims to create student sustainability champions who are dedicated to sustainability at Butler University and who will continue to advocate for sustainability in their lives and future careers. Through participating in sustainability research, education, service learning, and events, students will empower themselves and their community to advocate for a safe, healthy, and equitable future for all.

To fulfill Green Grad requirements, students must complete a minimum of 10 points in sustainable activities at Butler, in the community, or while studying abroad.  Once you complete your sustainability journey and receive a minimum of 10 points, you will sign a Green Graduation Pledge affirming your commitment to sustainability and receive a physical green cord to wear at graduation. The green cord serves as your visible commitment with other graduates to collectively contribute to sustainability in your lives, future workplace, and community.

Become a Green Grad

Interested students fill out a Green Grad intent to participate form. Once received, you will receive an email from Green Grad staff notifying you of your acceptance into the program.

Questions about the Green Grad program? Email the Office of Sustainability, at