Course Connections
The Office of Sustainability has long been a resource to Butler courses and the Indianapolis community by connecting disciplinary content and organizational missions to urban ecology, sustainability, and community betterment. This is done through class and community tours of The Farm at Butler, grant-funded projects, and facilitating sustainability and agroecology course curricula and student projects that tie directly to a variety of disciplines from biology and business to communications and the arts and beyond.
Through Office of Sustainability staff-led courses and existing courses across the Butler curriculum that engage students in disciplinary content through farm- and food-situated contexts, the Office of Sustainability and the The Farm at Butler is a core part of Butler’s curriculum. The Office of Sustainability is currently challenging a variety of existing Butler courses to utilize the The Farm at Butler and its interdisciplinary theme of urban agriculture as a place-based resource and a framework in which to teach key course topics.
Office of Sustainability staff teach a variety of courses in the Core Curriculum and the Environmental Studies Program at Butler University that focus upon key topics in sustainability framed in the three pillars of sustainability: environment, equity, and economics. Many of these courses also have ICR (Indianapolis Community Requirement)-accreditation.
Fall semester:
PWB115-BI – Cultivating Well Being
Instructor: Mr. Tim Dorsey
This hands-on gardening course will empower students to make healthy food choices while learning how gardening can improve well-being. Students will be challenged to think about where food comes from, how to grow healthy foods at home, and the role gardening can play in a lifetime of well being.
ENV405 (ICR-designated): Food Systems and Metabolic Rift
Instructor: Dr. Julia Angstmann
This course explores multiple pathways of food production and distribution in the United States including growing, harvesting, processing, storage, packaging, transporting, marketing, consumption, and disposal of food to feed a growing global population. These concepts will be theoretically framed by the concept of metabolic rift, which more broadly encompasses fractures in the ecological sustainability of food production and consumption, social disruptions and inequalities resulting from the commodification of land and labor, and the alienation of humans from labor and nature. Field trips and service learning experiences highlight the ecological, social, and individual politics of the local food system and pushes students to design solutions for local food system challenges using their classroom knowledge and service learning experiences.
ENV340 (SJD-designated): Food (In)justice
This course examines the role of governments and large corporations in food (in)justice, specifically if these entities should have legal avenues to patent and own food plant species or if food is a right of all humans. Local and global examples of food (in)justice are analyzed including: owning the rights to seeds and the food they produce, use of toxic chemicals in agriculture at the cost of the consumer, farmworker rights, and the commodification of our food. Using a systems thinking lens, recommend leverage points will be analyzed to intervene in the current system, prioritizing sustainability over profit.
Spring semester:
ENV400 (ICR-designated): Sustainability Practicum on Food Waste
This course focuses on the unsustainability of the current food system through the issue of food waste. We will examine environmental degradation, human inequity, and economic losses throughout the food system including: production, distribution, and consumption. Through the utilization of a systems thinking perspective and insight gleaned from ICR food organization partner(s), students will identify issues in the current food system and recommend strategies to reduce food waste and create a sustainable food system.
In addition to Office of Sustainability staff-taught courses, the Office of Sustainability has been integral to testing the efficacy and student learning outcomes of implementing farm- and food-situated course content across the liberal arts curricula, leading the way to innovative uses of campus infrastructure and breaking down disciplinary silos.
In 2016, the Office of Sustainability and the STEM Education Innovation and Research Institute (SEIRI) at Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) received nearly $300,000 from the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education program at the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop, implement, and assess a cohesive program of place-based experiential research modules centered upon the theme of sustainable agriculture in four Butler undergraduate physical and natural science courses. In 2019, the Office of Sustainability received an additional $600,000 from the NSF to further research the efficacy and impact of farm-situated place-based experiential learning across Butler’s curriculum—expanding the project beyond STEM-only disciplines to five additional professional disciplines: pharmacy and health sciences, pre-service teacher education, business marketing, communications, and religious studies. SEIRI is conducting research on the impacts of this program to student learning outcomes including environmental science literacy, scientific reasoning, civic mindedness, and the attachment and meanings students subscribe to the campus farm as well as the impact to faculty support networks. Both of these grant-funded projects, collectively titled: Cultivating Scientific Literacy and Action through Place: Using a Campus Farm as an Interdisciplinary Learning Hub, are innovating the way campus spaces are used for place-based, community-engaged civic education.
Participating courses to date include:
- BI230 – Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Professor Travis Ryan,Module Title: Soil Respiration, Arthropod Biodiversity, and the Analysis of Variance
- BI408 – Topics in Biology, Advanced Ecology, Professor Sean Berthrong, Module Title: Bringing Microbes and Carbon Cycling Down to Earth
- ENV200 – Intro to Environmental Studies, Professor Jesse Van Gerven, Module Title: Diverse Indianapolis Urban Farmer Perspectives on Food Systems
- CH465 – Environmental Chemistry, Professor Elizabeth Davis, Module Title: Urban Agriculture and Environmental Health: Characterizing Risks of Soil Contamination
- NW207, Ecology and the Natural Environment, Professor Travis Ryan, Module Title: TBD
- RL384, Ecotheology, Professor Brent Hege, Module Title: Employing the “Loving Eye” in Nature Journals
- ED317/ED418, Teaching Science and Social Studies Methods for Middle School Childhood, Professor Catherine Pangan, Module Title: Exploring Scientific & Historical Gardening Contributions with Young Learners
- MG480, Strategy Capstone, Professor Lawrence Lad, Module Title: Challenges to Fundamental Economics Theory in Food Value Chains
- ORG358, Social Responsibility and Community, Professor Lindsay Ems, Module Title: Using Digital Media to Empower Marginalized Populations
- RX499, Sustainable Healthy Nutrition, Professor Jane Gervasio, Module title: Sustainable Healthy Nutrition
The Sustainability Leadership Cohort (SLC) is an intentional internship model that focuses on peer-to-peer mentorship and community building while providing experiential research opportunities for Butler students to practice real-world problem solving and learn tangible skills for professional development and career preparedness. Students in the SLC work on a variety of urban ecology and sustainability research projects across campus and the community. SLC students and advisors meet weekly as a cohort to support one another, co-develop ideas, and engage as a community that works to solve complex sustainability challenges.
The Office of Sustainability and The Farm at Butler has long been a resource to Butler courses by providing class tours and facilitating student projects. Some of our past and present course collaborations include:
College of Communication
ORG 358 – Social Responsibility and Community
Instructor: Lindsay Ems
Student groups in this class work with a local non-profit to solve a communication problem identified by the organization host. In past semesters, the Office of Sustainability has worked with students in this course over multiple semesters to develop 1) a winter social media campaign for The Farm at Butler focusing upon the farm’s core values: caring for the earth, caring for community, and caring for our bodies, 2) strategies to market the merging of the Center for Urban Ecology and Butler Sustainability into the Center for Urban Ecology and Sustainability (Office of Sustainability), and 3) students are assessing the Office of Sustainability’s social media presence and making recommendations on what platforms we should be using, as well as the frequency and types of posts needed to elevate our image for particular audiences. This is a continuing collaboration.
ORG 351 – Social Media Storytelling
Instructor: Lindsay Ems
Students in this class learned about The Farm and Butler University and presented social media campaigns to tell the farm’s story and elevate messaging around The Farm’s values to spur additional product sales.
STR251 – Design and Production for Strategic Communication
Instructor: Armando Pellerano
In this course, students toured The Farm at Butler and studied the Office of Sustainability logo to determine an impactful complementary logo for The Farm at Butler.
Andre B. Lacy School of Business
MK385 – Marketing Research
Instructor: Professor Daniel McQuiston
A student group from this class conducted market research for the CUE Farm to determine ways to increase awareness, traffic, and revenue at the CUE Farm’s weekly farm stand.
MBA522 – Business Practicum
Instructor: Professor James Simmons
The course participated in tours to local food producers and distributors and hosted a farm-to-table panel as part of this intensive course. Students then provided The Farm with recommendations for improving business and marketing aspects of The Farm. This collaboration extended over five semesters.
Ball State University, College of Architecture and Planning
The Office of Sustainability is proud to have had a long working relationship with Ball State Architecture to design and build green infrastructure at The Farm at Butler.
Fourth-Year Architecture Practicum
Instructor: Professor Timothy Gray
Fourth-year architecture majors at Ball State University have worked with The Farm at Butler on a number of sustainable design-build projects including a classroom space and a mobile greenhouse. The mobile greenhouse project was featured in over ten media outlets and won a 2016 Merit Award for Design Excellence from the American Institute of Architecture (AIA) Indiana.