Religious Studies Resources

General Resources

Reasons for studying religion are many, and at Butler University, you will find programs and a selection of courses that will help you prepare to think about matters pertaining to religion and spirituality in a serious and thoughtful way.

Our staff and faculty are here to support you as you consider undergraduate or graduate programs, or are preparing to pursue a new career. These resources can also help you to find your way.

General sites are listed first, and then more specific entries follow alphabetically. Where there is more than one entry for a topic, these are grouped together (e.g., Bible).

The Compass Center

Academic Info Religion

Facets of Religion: WWW Virtual Library

Religious Worlds—G. Thursby

Virtual Religion Index—M. Smith

Sects in the City (Religious Life in Indianapolis)

Resource Pages For Biblical Study—Including extracanonical texts, social setting, etc.

Bible (RSV, KVJ) & Koran

Bible: ABZU: Ancient Near East on WWW

Review of Biblical Literature—Online review of scholarly books in Biblical Studies by the major American professional society in the discipline

Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library

Zen Buddhism WWW Virtual Library

Christianity: New Advent Catholic Website—Links to many Roman Catholic sites including the in progress transferal of the 1913 The Catholic Encyclopedia to the web

Global Hindu Electronic Network

Islamic Studies Islam Arabic Religion—Alan Godlas

Islam: List of Sufi-related resources on the Internet—Unannotated


Judaism and Jewish Resources—A. Tannenbaum—one of best Jewish resources sites

Middle East North Africa Internet Resource Guide—Focus on but not limited to Islamic Middle East-J. Roberts

Mysticism Resources—B. Janz

Myths and Legends—C. Siren

Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance—Includes new and marginal religious movements

Scripture: Internet Sacred Text Archive.

Sikhism Home Page—Slow loading due to plug-in

Taoism Information Page—WWW Virtual Library

USA: American Religious Experience

USA: Pluralism Project—Diana Eck—updates & various supplements religion to the multi-year study of religious communities in the USA (not including Judaism & Christianity). The basic project publication is the CD, On Common Ground

WICCA: CoGWeb—Covenant of Goddess

WSS Women and Theology—Really women & religion