History Resources
American Historical Association
Organization of American Historians
Economic History Association—Provides resources and promotes communication among scholars in economic history.
U.S. Department of State Website
U.S. Department of Treasury Website
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics—Collection, analysis and dissemination of essential economic information related to measuring labor market activity, working conditions, and price changes in the economy.
Library of Congress Online Catalog
Library of Congress: American Memory—Provides free and open access through the Internet to written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps, and sheet music that document the American experience.
Library of Congress: Country Studies—Resource for description and analysis of the historical setting and the social, economic, political, and national security systems and institutions of countries throughout the world.
National Archives—Records are preserved and are available to you, whether you want to see if they contain clues about your family’s history, need to prove a veteran’s military service, or are researching an historical topic that interests you.
Center for History and New Media—Site maintained by George Mason University. Contains excellent resources in certain topical areas (American studies, French Revolution) and a directory of history departments around the world.
History Matters—History matters collection of primary sources.
History News Network—Current events put into historical perspective. Features up to a dozen fresh op-eds by prominent historians each week. Archives, extending over the past decade, include thousands of well-researched pieces.
History World—Making world history more easily accessible through interactive narratives and timelines.
National Geographic Magazine: History Index—Online index of select features covering U.S., World and Military History.
History Central—Covers both World and American History.
EHistory—Consists of over 130,000 pages of historical content; 5,300 timeline events; 800 battle outlines; 350 biographies; and thousands of images and maps. Maintained by Ohio State University’s Department of History.
Best History Sites—A portal created for history teachers, students, and general history enthusiasts.
Hyperhistory—At this Web site, click on “hyperhistory” and navigate through 3,000 years of world history. Links to important historical persons, events, and maps.
Historical Text Archives—Contains links to world history, regional or national, and topical history and resources. For speed, use text version.
Inaugural addresses of U.S. Presidents
Cultural Politics—Matrix of sites useful for learning more about popular culture, digital cultures, social movements, environmental justice.
Historical Newspapers—Full text of articles illustrating British attitudes towards the United States in the early 1800’s; references to articles dealing with American reactions to British events in the early twentieth century.
Find Law—Searchable database of the Supreme Court decisions since 1893.
New Deal Network—Database of photographs, political cartoons, and texts (speeches, letters, and other historic documents) from the New Deal period.
National Museum of Japanese History
The WorldGenWeb Project. Dedicated volunteers from all parts of the world provide the free use and access of public domain genealogical information.
The Butler University Department of History and Anthropology is not responsible for and does not endorse the websites on this page or the information they provide.