CSSE Department Tutors

Our department provides tutors Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The tutors are able to assist with questions regarding the following courses: CS142, CS151, CS341, and SE132.  You can work in the lab during tutoring hours even if you don’t need assistance.  Please ensure that you are respectful of those students working and those seeking help during that time.

Fall 2024 Tutoring Schedule

Tutoring will start September 3, 2024, and end December 12, 2024.

No tutoring Fall Break (10/17), and over Thanksgiving Break. 

Monday: Reece Parks
JH174 7:00–9:00 PM
Tuesday: Anna Vadella
Wednesday: John Welch
Thursday: Seth Wilson

Guidelines for Students

So that the computer science tutors can make the most effective use of their time assisting you, please observe the following guidelines:

  1. Please be prepared before asking for help. Here are some ideas for what to do:
  2. Write down a list of questions.
  3. Highlight sections in the book, on the assignments, or on class handouts.
  4. Develop pseudocode for your algorithms.
  5. Prepare partial program code.
  6. Bring your own books, assignments, notes, etc. The tutors will not always have them available.
  7. Please don’t monopolize a tutor. They have many others to serve.
  8. Tutors will only be available during posted times. If you need additional help, see your instructor or arrange for a private tutor. You can talk to the LRC to request a private tutor.
  9. If several of you are working on the same problems, please try to sit near one another so the tutor can address the whole group, and avoid repeating themselves.
  10. Please be courteous to the tutors and others in the laboratory.
  11. Please feel free to share your thoughts, both positive and negative, about the tutoring process with Amanda or the department faculty. We take your input seriously.
  12. See the rules and guidelines for the JH174 computer lab.

For questions or concerns regarding CSSE department tutoring, please contact Dr. Ryan Rybarczyk.

Butler students can also search for Butler approved and trained tutors who have been hired by the CASE office for additional free, online tutoring at Butler’s Tutor Matching Service.