HLC Engagement Events
Thank you to faculty, staff, and students for your participation in Butler’s self-study process towards re-accreditation. In Spring 2023 Butler University was re-accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. While this process allows Butler to showcase our many accomplishments since the last review, it also compels us to improve as an institution and evaluate opportunities to more holistically live out our mission.
The HLC’s Reaffirmation of Accreditation process for the Standard Pathway requires two reviews in a 10-year period—one at the fourth year, which we successfully completed in 2017, then the comprehensive evaluation in the 10th year completed Spring 2023.
Past Events
Butler HLC Work Teams + 1 Thank-You Luncheon
Monday, January 30, 2023, 12-1:30 PM, Ford Salon
The “I ❤ HLC” | Donut Forget Blitz
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Various Locations Across Campus
It’s Valentine’s Day, and we’re celebrate the upcoming HLC Site Visit Team to Butler’s campus with a “Donut Forget Blitz” across campus. At various locations across campus, grab a donut and a “Save-The-Date” Flyer Invite for a list of February 27 Criterion-Focused Forums for students, faculty, and staff to meet with the HLC Site Visit Team! This team will have reviewed our Re-Accreditation Assurance Argument and will have questions for YOU at these forums!
Site Visit by Team Representing HLC
February 27-28, 2023
Butler’s report is in, and members representing the Higher Learning Commission visit Butler’s campus to meet with various students, faculty, and staff. More information to come about Criterion-Focused Forums to meet with the team.
Coffee Conversations
Three coffee conversations based on the 5 Criteria for Accreditation: For faculty and staff
Refreshments served, register for gift drawing
Friday, September 16, 11:00 AM–noon, Jordan Hall 043
Criteria 1 & 2 (mission-driven, public good; integrity, ethics, conduct)
Wednesday, September 21, 3:00–4:00 PM, Atherton 326
Criteria 3 & 4 (teaching & learning quality and support; T&L assessment/Improvement)
- Professor of Chemistry and Associate Dean of LAS, Dr. LuAnne McNulty
- Butler Program Success and Innovation Director, Erin Vincent
Friday, September 23, 9:00–10:00 AM, JH172
Criterion 5 (institutional effectiveness, resources and planning are mission-driven and forward-thinking)
- Vice President for Finance and Administration, Bruce Arick
- Faculty Director of Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity and Professor of Chemistry, Dr. Anne Wilson
HLC Re-Accreditate Your Tastebuds
Tuesday, November 15, 2022, 4:00–5:30 PM
Atherton Union, Reilly Room
Enjoy a food tasting experience as you receive updates on Butler’s Re-Accreditation Process. Open to faculty, staff, and students.
HLC Donut Blitz!
Various Locations Across Campus
Celebrate the public review of Butler’s HLC Assurance Argument Report toward re-accreditation with donuts! Throughout the day, check out the Donut Blitz around campus hosted by the HLC Engagement Team. Donuts are first-come, first-served. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to review the public preview document and provide feedback online at butler.edu/hlc.
December 5-16, 2022
Public Read of Butler’s Penultimate Draft of our Assurance Argument and Feedback Period (by anonymous survey or email).
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 | 10:00-11:30 AM and/or 3:30-5:00 PM
Atherton’s Reilly Room
“Mission Possible” is no covert operation! Everyone’s participation and input is valued and needed. Learn how you can be an asset. Door prizes, refreshments served. Plus, learn how to increase your chances towards winning a grand prize to be awarded mid-April 2022.
HLC Briefing Information Stations
HLC Briefing Information Stations are staffed by Butler HLC committee members. Stop by the table to complete a feedback card, engage with a portable Mission Possible “evidence” board, and ask questions.
Tuesday, March 15, 12:15-1:30 PM
Marketplace Dining Hall North Entrance, Atherton Union
Wednesday, March 16, 8:00-9:15 AM
Dugan Hall near The Butler Brew
Friday, March 18, 9:45-11:00 AM
Starbucks, Atherton Union
Wednesday, March 23, 4:30-5:45 PM
Irwin Library Collaborative Space
Thursday, March 24, 2:00-3:15 PM
Jordan Hall 1st Floor Hallway
HLC Evidence Board in Jordan Hall, East Hallway
Add your evidence/feedback to the HLC Evidence Board located on the first floor of Jordan Hall, east hallway.
HLC Survey Opportunity
Faculty and staff are encouraged to complete a survey to help identify and celebrate Butler’s strengths and discover areas for continued improvement.
The survey focuses on the five criteria, or standards of quality, by which the Higher Learning Commission determines whether an institution merits accreditation or reaffirmation of accreditation. The survey link can be found in Butler Today and will be open from April 11-14, 2022.