Employing Students & Recent Graduates for Campus Jobs

Important Update

  • Butler Student Employment has moved to Oracle Employee & Financials. You can find this platform in My.Butler.Edu > Oracle Employee & Financials.
  • The first step in the hiring process is to create a job requisition. See our Initiate Student Job Requisition Job Aid for the steps.
    • For this requisition you will need to have a NEW Position Number corresponding to whether the student’s job is funded through standard dept funds or grant or gift funds. Reach out to Lorraine Vavul or Connor Derocher to get the correct position number.
    • Additionally, you will need to have a job description to add to the requisition. It can be a simple job description or a more detailed one. For your reference, here is a copy of a sample detailed job description and a blank template.
    • Once you save and close, you cannot edit the requisition. We are attempting to get this feature fixed. Student Employment can edit the draft requisition until it is finalized. It must be finalized by Student Employment so it can be posted or shared.  
  • After the job requisition has been created, it can be either posted to the new student on-campus job board or a specific student can be sent a link to apply for the job.
  • Subsequent steps in the hiring process are outlined in the Process Document for supervisors, students and the Office of Student Employment.
  • Here is a quick job aid you can share with your students on how to enter time: Time Entry, QRG
  • If a student works more than 12 hours across all campus jobs within a two-week pay period, their timesheet will need to be manually approved and will come to the supervisor of each position the student holds.  
  • New Hires to the University will now complete their new hire paperwork (tax and I-9 Federal Verification) during their First Day Student Journey, ideally at the beginning of their first shift with you.
    • If you have a position that does not allow you to be near a computer, consider using a start day one day prior to their first shift so that they can complete these new hire documents.
    • As a part of the I-9 process, students will upload their acceptable form(s) of ID when they complete the electronic I-9. The student will STILL need to show this physical ID to Connor Derocher or Lorraine Vavul in the Office of Student Employment – Jordan Hall Room 184. This should be done the first day of their employment, if possible, but MUST be done by day three of their employment so that we can keep in compliance with federal requirements.
    • Remote options for identity checks are available to those students who do not have a physical copy of their form of ID with them, but this is a slower process. Specific questions should be directed to Connor Derocher or Lorraine Vavul to schedule these appointments.  
  • Training resources including training materials and recorded training sessions on time entry, student hiring, and managing your team is accessible on our Oracle Employee & Financials Training Hub
  • In the short term, here are the links supervisors will use most frequently with existing student employees:

Note: The information below will be updated soon. Some information may be incorrect. We are working to update it to align with our new processes in Oracle Employee & Financials. We apologize for any confusion or inconvenience in the meantime.

Digital Paperwork

In an effort to streamline the hiring of student workers new to University employment as well as reduce paper costs, we are utilizing a digital-first process. If at all possible, please encourage your student hires to electronically complete this paperwork.

Supervisors should direct Student Hires to complete online their H.R. policy acknowledgement form and federal W-4 and state WH-4. For the final piece of New Hire paperwork – the I-9 Federal Employment Eligibility Verification – we are reverting the pre-pandemic practice of Supervisors completing the I-9 for first-time University hires. Supervisors are welcome to refer any of the more complicated I-9 forms (for Non-Citizens, Permanent Residents, or Authorized Aliens) to Student Employment Coordinator Lorraine Vavul in Human Resources. The completed I-9 along with the accompanying color copies of the student’s I.D. can then be sent via inter department campus mail to the attention of  Maya Speed in HR (Jordan 184C).  Instructions can be found further below under “New Hires.”

Remember: federal law requires all documents to be submitted before your student employee begins working. Training is considered employment.

Overview of Student Hiring

There are 3 steps when hiring students for on-campus work. If you already have identified the student(s) you wish to hire, skip to step 3:

  1. Create or update the position – Formstack forms
  2. Promote the position and collect applications
  3. Hiring the student (submitting student’s eHire, & only if needed, completing I-9 paperwork page 2).

1. Create or Update the Position

If you’re unsure from which budget your student wages should be pulled—the “account (department ID)/combo” numbers—please contact the budget manager in your department or office.

New Positions (New Position Qualtrics Form)

If the position you’re hiring for is brand new and doesn’t yet exist, please complete the New Position Qualtrics form. You’ll receive a four-digit Position Number from Human Resources within 1-2 business days. Please contact askhr@butler.edu if you encounter any problems.

Update Existing Positions (Status Change Qualtrics Form)

To update pay rate, primary supervisor, account (department ID)/combo numbers, job title, and/or backup time approver, please complete the Status Change Qualtrics Form. If needed, read the View student compensation/hourly pay rates and past work information guide. Please contact askhr@butler.edu if you encounter any problems.

2. Promote the Position & Collect Applications on Handshake

We encourage supervisors to post the opportunity on Butler’s online job board Handshake. If you or your office don’t yet have a free Handshake account, please email CaPS to get set up. If you run into any problems posting, please check out Handshake’s how to guide for posting jobs or email our office at: career@butler.edu. If students applied to your position through Handshake, check out Handshake’s guide for accessing applications.

3. Hiring the Student

Once you have selected a student you would like to hire and are ready to send them a tentative offer, first determine if they’re an “Existing Hire” or a “New Hire”: How to Determine if student is New Hire or Existing Hire. If applicable, follow the instructions in the “Funding Student Wages with a Grant” drop-down at the bottom of this webpage.

Existing Hires

Students who currently have an on-campus position or have held one before are considered “Existing Hires” and paperwork is not needed. In these cases, you need only complete the eHire form in my.butler.

New Hires

Students who don’t currently have an on-campus position or have never had one are considered “New Hires” and new hire paperwork is needed in addition to you completing the eHire form in my.butler. The new hire must complete all paperwork before they can begin their position.

Note: before completing any paperwork, international students new to working at Butler should first visit the International Student Services employment webpage, download the Employment Authorization Form, and see Bobbie Gibson in Jordan Hall 133.

Paperwork steps for students to complete:

How to Fill Out eHire

Read the How To Fill Out eHire guide. If needed, read the Check the Status of Students Submitted in eHire guide.

Grant funded student employees: you will not need to enter the student in eHire. Scroll down to the “Funding Student Wages with a Grant” dropdown section below for instructions.

4. Evaluating the Student

For resources on evaluating your student employee, please check out Human Resources’ “Performance Management” supervisor tools.

Forms and Guides

Video Walkthrough

Note: this video walks through the hiring process and features former Student Employment Coordinator Alyssa Laskowski. Student Employment now resides in the H.R. office under Lorraine Vavul. Please direct all questions to Lorraine at LVavul@Butler.edu or 317.940.JOBS (5627).

Supervisor Guides

Additional Info