Elementary Education

The College of Education prepares elementary educators in a way that truly integrates theory with practice. Beginning in the first year and continuing all the way through graduation, you will be in classrooms. In fact, our partnerships allow for you to take many courses on site in elementary schools where the theory you learn from expert faculty can be taken just down the hall to a real-life field experience. This culminates in a full year of student teaching—every day, all day—during your senior year, which will give you a total of over 1,500 hours of in-classroom experience during your four years at Butler.
In addition, all of our students have an imbedded diverse learners minor, which will help you to address the needs of all your learners once you are a classroom teacher. Plus, the two semesters of student teaching provide the flexibility to convert some minors into a second licensure area (special education and English as a new language).
With our 100% placement rate you will find that teaching job that you not only have dreamed of, but are now highly prepared to take.
All undergraduate and graduate programs in the College of Education at Butler University are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and the Indiana Office of Educator Licensing and Development (OELD).
Elementary Education Curriculum
126 Total Credit Hours (Includes Butler University Core Requirements)
Professional Education Courses (72 hours)
- ED 112, Introduction to the Profession of Teaching
- ED 204, Infusing the Arts in Early and Middle Childhood Curriculum
- ED 206, K-6 Introduction to Early and Middle Childhood Education
- ED 242, Foundations of Special Education
- ED 245, Inquiry into Technology
- ED 299, Integrated Foundations of Teacher Education
- ED 303, Reading and Language Arts: Early Childhood
- ED 308, Reading and Language Arts: Middle Childhood
- ED 316, Teaching Mathematics: Early Childhood
- ED 318, Teaching Science/Social Studies: Early & Middle Childhood
- ED 345, Integration of Technology
- ED 414, Teaching Mathematics: Middle Childhood
- ED 417, Integration of Methods in Early Childhood Classrooms
Student Teaching
- ED 430, Current Issues in Education
- ED 431, Current Issues in Early and Middle Childhood Education
- ED 440,
Student Teaching
– Early Middle Childhood I - ED 441, Integrated Laboratory Early/Middle Childhood I
- ED 442,
Student Teaching
: Early Middle Childhood II - ED 443, Integrated Laboratory Early/Middle Childhood II
Diverse Learners Minor (13 hours*)
- ED 243, Methods and Materials: Strategies for Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities
- ED 398, Multilingual Learners and Their Cultural Contexts
- ED 491, Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Learning
- ED 492, Special Education Law
- ED 498, Methods for Teaching Multilingual Learners
*Students not majoring in Education have additional requirements
University Electives (14 hours)
University Core Requirements (27 hours)
- First-Year Seminar
- Global and Historical Studies
- Perspectives in the Creative Arts
- Text and Ideas
- Natural World
- Analytical Reasoning
- Physical Well Being
Elementary Education FAQs
By receiving a comprehensive liberal arts background, Butler students with an Elementary Education degree are ready for teaching and instructional leadership in elementary schools. Graduates who have completed the Elementary Education program and all required standardized tests will meet state licensing requirements for grades K–6. Pathways/minors are also available for Special Education—Mild Interventions, Diverse Learners, Teachers of English Learners, and Sport Coaching.