Housekeeping Schedule & Activities
The information on this page provides an overview of the housekeeping services provided at Butler. To request additional services or to report issues, submit a facilities work request.
Please note: This information does not apply to Hinkle Fieldhouse, Fairview, Irvington House, or Clowes Memorial Hall, custodians do not dust or clean technology equipment, and Dining Services (Bon Apetit) is responsible for cleaning all food service areas including Starbucks and outdoor patios around Atherton.
Housekeeping Hours
Housekeeping is generally available Monday–Friday with limited service on weekends. On weekends, contact BUPD dispatch at 317-940-9396 for emergency housekeeping needs.
Window Cleaning
Windows in selected public areas of the following buildings are cleaned annually by a contractor: Gallahue Hall, Gallahue bridge, Holcomb Building, Pharmacy Building, Lilly Hall, Robertson Hall, Fairbanks Center, Atherton Union, Starbucks, Jordan Hall, Health & Recreation Center, South Campus Buildings, and the Schrott Center for Performing Arts. All other window cleaning (unless outlined below) must be funded by the requesting department. During the 2020-2021 school year the following buildings windows will be cleaned: Robertson, HRC, Starbucks, Atherton Union, Jordan Hall, Schrott Center, and Lacy School of Business.
Floor Refinishing
Classroom, lab, public area and corridor carpeted and hard floors are refinished as needed according to priority. All other floor refinishing must be funded by the requesting department.