Psychology CHASE Scholars

The Collaborations in Humanities, Arts, Sciences, and Entrepreneurship (CHASE) Scholars Program is designed to encourage undergraduate research and creative endeavor by providing financial support to four students from any discipline collaborating on a research project with a faculty mentor during the academic year. All full-time Butler University students who have not yet earned a baccalaureate or PharmD* degree are eligible to apply to the CHASE Scholars program.
Benefits of being a CHASE Scholar include:

  • $4,500 award for the student
  • $1,000 professional development funding for the faculty mentor
  • Participation in a Spotlight Panel at Butler University’s Undergraduate Research Conference
  • Student/mentor lunches to highlight research progress

Student research projects generally entail 10–12 hours of research per week. Work accomplished through this program can be used as part of an honors thesis for students working on an honors thesis for credit or no credit. Research is expected to occur September 1 – March 31.
Due to limited funding, and our desire to fund as many projects as possible, students may only be selected as a CHASE Scholar once during their tenure at Butler University. A student selected as a Butler Summer Institute Scholar may apply for the CHASE Scholars program only if the proposed CHASE Scholars project is significantly different from the student’s BSI project.
The following psychology majors are recipients of the Undergraduate Student Research Program:


Bailey Wendt
Mentor:  Dr. Fabiana Alceste
Using Mock Interviews to Understand the Effect of Guilt Expectations on Evidence Contamination


Anna Thomas
Mentor:  Dr. Jennifer Berry
Remember That Party Last Night?  Examining the Effects of Binge-like Alcohol on Memory


Emily Flandermeyer
Mentor:  Dr. Tara Lineweaver
The Mediating Effect of Cognitive Flexibilty on Career Indecision and Anxiety
Montana Jenkins
Mentor:  Dr. Jennifer Berry
Wide-Awake Drunk: Observing the Effects of Combined Alcohol and Caffeine on Somatic Withdrawal Signs in C57BL/J Mice


Katie Kincaid
Mentor:  Dr. Neil Bohannon
Retrograde Memory Effects in Dating Simulation:  Nice Guys Remembered First


Abigal Dye
Mentor:  Dr. Tara Lineweaver
Are Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors (BFRBs) Disorders of Impulsivity or Anxiety?  An Empirical Investigation of BFRBs
Karsen McCloud
Mentor:  Dr. Joel Martin
Investigation of the Relationship Between OCD Symptomatology and Theory of Mind Ability


Addie Allen
Mentor: Dr. Tara Lineweaver
Everybody Speaks, Everybody Remembers:  An Investigation of Self-Perceptions of Language and Memory


Tony Bergamini
Mentor: Dr. Amanda Gingerich
To Live Is to Die:  The Effect of Mortality Salience on Memory and Comfort with Death


Michael Hernandez
Mentor:  Dr. Tara Lineweaver
If You’re Happy and You Know it, You May be Old:  An Investigation of the Positivity Effect of Aging.
Steven Lindgren
Mentor:  Dr. Amanda Gingerich
The Implications of Divided Attention on Theories of False Memory.


Elsa Carodenuto
Mentor:  Dr. Neil Bohannon
Arousal Effects on Memories of Romantic Relationships.
Erin Good
Mentor:  Dr. Amanda Gingerich
Effects of Mood on Using Analogies to Solve Problems and Reduce Conflict.


Madison Hurd
Mentor: Dr. Tara Lineweaver
Formulating Memory Self-Perceptions: An Examination of the Role of Attention and Intelligence on Memory Self-Efficacy Ratings.
Lauren McClure
Mentor: Dr. Neil Bohannon
Effects of Collaborative Inhibition on Triads
Amanda Zolman
Mentor: Dr. Tara Lineweaver
The Impact of Having a Spouse with Dementia on Older Adults’ Memory Self-Perceptions


Coty Nicoson
Mentor: Dr. Tara Lineweaver
Altering Memory Self-Efficacy and Memory Performance in Older Adults by Drawing Attention to Stereotypes