SPS Chapter Bylaws
The name of this organization shall be “The Butler University Chapter of the Society of Physics Students.”
The purpose of this Chapter shall be the advancement and diffusion of knowledge of the science of physics and the encouragement of student interest in physics throughout the academic and local communities, and to aid its members in the furthering of their careers in physics.
Section 1. Society of Physics Students Membership
Membership in this Society of Physics Students Chapter shall be open to all individuals interested in physics or astronomy, and is not limited to those with majors or minors in Physics or Astronomy.
Section 2. Sigma Pi Sigma Membership
Membership in Sigma Pi Sigma, the physics honor society included within this Society of Physics Students Chapter, shall be based upon character and academic and professional attainments and is not restricted to physics majors. Election to Sigma Pi Sigma members from among those candidates presented by the Sigma Pi Sigma nominating committee appointed by the Chapter Advisor.
Clause 1. For undergraduate students in physics or related fields, the minimum requirements for Sigma Pi Sigma membership within this Chapter shall be as follows:
- All members-elect shall have completed at least the equivalent of three semesters (five quarters) of full time college work.
- All members-elect shall have completed at least three semester (five quarters) courses in physics, each of at least three credit hours, which may be credited toward a physics major.
- All members-elect shall rank in the upper one third of their college class which means they have attained a cumulative grade point average of 3.60.
- All members-elect shall have attained at least a 3.2 grade point average on a 4.0 system for all physics courses.
Clause 2. For graduate students in physics or related fields, all members-elect either (a) shall meet the requirements for undergraduate members-elect, based upon their undergraduate records, or (b) shall have completed at least one year of graduate work, meeting departmental standards for satisfactory progress towards an advanced degree.
Clause 3. For faculty members, research staff members, and other qualified individuals, who are in physics or related fields, election to membership shall be based upon their professional attainments.
Section 1. Chapter Officers
The officers of the Chapter shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and an SGA Representative; succession shall be in accordance with this order. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws adopted by this Chapter. The President is responsible for leading meetings as well as delegating responsibility. Effective beginning in the fall term of 2008, a senior may not be the president of the Society of Physics Students. The Vice-President shall aid in Presidential duties as well as perform the duties of the President in his or her absence. The Secretary is charged with recording the minutes of the meeting and distributing these minutes to the members through either/both email and posting on the website. The minutes shall be humorous. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matters of the Chapter, including the account held with Butler University. The SGA representative must attend SGA meetings and plead for money, if need be.
Section 2. Elections
Officers shall be elected at a scheduled meeting in April of each year. Nominations shall be by open nomination. Officers are free to run for reelection for unlimited terms. Elections will proceed in a manner which the Chapter sees fit at the time of elections. Officers-elect shall assume their offices the day after finals end in the spring semester and shall hold office for one year. Members may be elected officers even if they are not present at the election meeting.
Section 3: Officer Removal
Officers may be removed by a vote of the club under the following conditions: if the officer in question is not fulfilling his or her duties; any other reason. An officer may also withdraw from office. Officers facing removal shall be permitted to argue either for or against their own removal. In either case, a new officer will be elected via (IV, 2).
The Chapter Advisor shall be a faculty member appointed by the Head of the Physics and Astronomy Department, after consultation with the chapter officers. The Chapter Advisor shall provide liaison among the Chapter, the Physics and Astronomy Department, and the National Office of the Society of Physics Students. The Chapter Advisor will supply counseling to the Chapter, furnish continuity of experience in chapter operations, and provide long-range perspective to insure departmental interest in and support of the Society of Physics Students. The Chapter Advisor shall assist the Secretary in furnishing the National Office with the required data and shall assist the Treasurer in transmitting fees and dues to the National Office.
Regular meetings shall be held bi-weekly, or as determined by the officers. Meetings shall be planned for times that ensure highest attendance. Special meetings may be called by the President or Vice-President. Officer-only meetings can also be held to discuss important topics. There shall be at least six meetings per year. The Chapter Advisor will not be required to attend all meetings.
The officers in consultation with the Council Adviser shall determine the amount of yearly dues, if any. Dues shall be collected by the Treasurer in addition to the dues required by the National Office. In addition to or in the absence of dues, money may be requested from members to fund events sponsored by the Chapter.
Statement 1: Sovereignty
This Chapter shall remain independent of the Engineering Club, and shall not be allowed to fall under the jurisdiction of said club nor shall said club have part in any affairs of this Chapter. All other interactions are permissible, at the discretion of the officers. This statement is meant with no offense to the Engineering Club.
These bylaws may be amended by a two thirds vote, provided that the amendment shall have been proposed at least one meeting previous to the time of vote. Such amendments shall conform to the regulations established by the National Constitution of the Society of Physics Students.