ICR Partner Sites
Below is a list of service sites used from semester to semester. Not all sites are used every semester. To learn more about Butler’s connections with these sites or regarding potential site placements, please contact Center for Citizenship and Community Assistant Director Hanako Gavia .
A Caring Place (ACP)
4609 N. Capitol
An adult daycare center run by Catholic Charities Indianapolis that provides a safe daytime environment for adults with physical and cognitive challenges. Well suited for students interested in service-learning opportunities that include working with the elderly, and interacting with healthcare professionals and social workers.
Center for Interfaith Cooperation (CIC)
1100 West 42nd Street
An organization with the goal of inspiring interfaith collaboration in order to strengthen civil society. Through our current partnership, service-learning students have worked with Iraqi and Palestinian refugees new to the Indianapolis area.
Humane Society of Indianapolis (HSI)
7929 Michigan Road
Indianapolis, IN 46268
The Humane Society of Indianapolis is an animal rescue and adoption operation whose mission is to provide shelter and comfort to animals in need on the path to loving lifetime homes. It is a private, non-profit charitable organization with approximately 10,000 animals cared for each year.
Immigrant Welcome Center of Indianapolis (IWC)
40 E St. Clair Street
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317-808-2326
An organization that helps new immigrants integrate into American society. Potential opportunities include teaching ESL courses, and outreach work with recently arrived refugee communities. For more information, visit the IWC website .
Indiana School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ISBVI)
7725 N. College Avenue
317-253-1481 or 317-253-1481
Established in 1847, this internationally renowned school educates children and young adults from the ages of 3 to 22 who are blind or have low vision. As an interactive and established school, it provides a variety of ways for Butler students to get involved. Service-learning opportunities include tutoring math, private music lessons, landscaping, Bible study, participation in recreation, team and club activities, and much, much more. For more information, visit the ISBVI Center website
Martin Luther King Community Center (MLKCC)
40 W. 40th Street
A social service organization with services for all ages and audiences. Service-learning opportunities include working with senior citizens and tutor and providing programming for grade school children. For more information, visit the MLK Community Center website.
Metropolitan School District of Washington Township (MSDWT)
8550 Woodfield Crossing Blvd.
There are a number of students from immigrant and refugee communities who are enrolled in MSDWT schools and struggle to achieve full English language fluency. Such a lack of fluency has significant consequences for academic achievement. Further, many students enrolled in Butler University struggle to achieve full intercultural competency, and that lack of cultural fluency has significant consequences in terms of their ability/achievement as citizens of their communities and of the world. At various schools within the MSDWT school district, Butler students and MSDWT students work together in pairs or small groups to discuss, research, and develop stories that derive from the experiences and cultures of the MSDWT students.
Nur-Allah Islamic Center
2040 E. 46th Street
A Muslim community center with a sixty year history in Indianapolis. Service-learning opportunities include educational and research opportunities, and interfaith activities. For more information, visit the Nur-Allah website.