Student Affairs Departments

Frank Ross
Headshot of Frank Ross
Vice President – Student Affairs

Ann Diebolt
Headshot of Ann Diebolt
Manager of Student Affairs Operations and Budgets
Cari Ballou
Headshot of Cari Ballou
Registered Nurse
Health Services
Butler University Health Services, HRC Rm-110
Deb Barrick
Administrative Assistant
Office of Residence Life
Kathryn Baum
Community Director
Residence Life
Apartment Village
Oscar Beltran Perez
Headshot of Oscar Beltran Perez
Assistant Professor
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Ann Bilodeau
Headshot of Ann Bilodeau
Lecturer – Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences
College of Communication
Alexander Carter
Assistant Professor
College of Communication
Brittany Craycraft
Assistant Director
Health Services
Elena Daskivich
Administrative Specialist – Health Services
Health Services
Martha Dziwlik
Headshot of Martha Dziwlik
Dean of Students
Office of Student Affairs
Marcia Ewbank
Administrative Assistant
Office of Student Affairs
Maria Fletcher
Part-Time Physician
Health Services
Kelly Freiberger
Headshot of Kelly Freiberger
Associate Dean of Students
Office of Student Affairs
Bryan Furuness
Headshot of Bryan Furuness
Senior Lecturer, English
English – LAS

Diane Garcia
Headshot of Diane Garcia
Administrative Specialist
Counseling and Consultation Services
Maxie Gardner
Headshot of Maxie Gardner
Director, Health Services
Health Services
Jane Gervasio
Headshot of Jane Gervasio
Professor – Pharmacy Practice
College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Jules Grable
Headshot of Jules Grable
Director of Student Advocacy
Office of Student Affairs
Atherton Union 316

Meghan Haggerty
Director, New Student and Family Programs
Student Involvement and Leadership
Devin Hall
Headshot of Devin Hall
Director, Fraternity and Sorority Life
Office of Student Affairs
Atherton Union, Room 307
Karina Hamamouche
Headshot of Karina Hamamouche
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Psychology – LAS

Josiah Hatfield
Headshot of Josiah Hatfield
Assistant Director, Office of New Student and Family Programs
Student Involvement and Leadership
Atherton Union 310

Taylor Hess
Community Director
Residence Life
Caroline Huck
Headshot of Caroline Huck
Executive Director, Student Involvement & Leadership
Student Involvement and Leadership
Christine Kiray
Headshot of Christine Kiray
Associate Director
Counseling and Consultation Services
HRC 120F

Michael Lotz
Headshot of Michael Lotz
Staff Psychologist
Counseling and Consultation Services

Hilary Madinger
Headshot of Hilary Madinger
Lecturer, Biological Sciences
Biological Sciences – LAS
GH 071

Keith Magnus
Headshot of Keith Magnus
Director, Counseling Center
Counseling and Consultation Services

Ethan McNeil
Headshot of Ethan McNeil
Assistant Director, Sports Programs
Health and Recreation
Madison Morrett
Headshot of Madison Morrett
Staff Therapist
Counseling and Consultation Services
HRC, Room 120

Shannon Mulqueen
Director of Residence Life
Office of Residence Life
Jesse Neader
Headshot of Jesse Neader
Director of Student Activities
Student Involvement and Leadership
Catherine Pangan
Headshot of Catherine Pangan
Professor – Education
College of Education
SCMB 222

Scott Peden
Headshot of Scott Peden
Executive Director, Student Well-being
Health and Recreation

Kristin Remble
Administrative Assistant – Student Health Services
Health Services
David Richards
Community Director Fairview House
Residence Life
Daniel Scripter
Headshot of Daniel Scripter
Assistant Director of Fitness & Student Development
Health and Recreation
Jenna Spini
Assistant Director Student Activities – Student Involvement & Leadership
Student Involvement and Leadership
Casiana Warfield
Headshot of Casiana Warfield
Assistant Director
Counseling and Consultation Services
Counseling and Consultation Center

Marti Wein
Headshot of Marti Wein
Assistant Director of Residence Life
Office of Residence Life
Atherton 303
Leah Weprich
Headshot of Leah Weprich
Associate Director, Wellness & Safety Programs
Health and Recreation
Katie Wood
Headshot of Katie Wood
Health Promotion Specialist
Health and Recreation
Health and Recreation Complex

Therese Woodard
Medical Billing Specialist
Health Services
Bridget Yuhas
Headshot of Bridget Yuhas
Executive Director of Student Director
Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

Kaylin Zocharski
Community Director at ResCo
Residence Life

Butler Dining