Presenting a Recital
Updated Recital Guidelines for Fall 2020
Degree Requirements for Recital Presentation (AM 300, AM 400, AM 494, MT 408)
Students in the following degree plans are required to present a 60 minute junior recital: BM in performance (instrumental, piano, voice), all students pursuing a B.M. in performance + music education degree (instrumental, piano, voice), and students pursuing an emphasis in either music performance or piano pedagogy.
Music education majors (choral/general P-12, instrumental/general P-12, all area degrees) are only required to present a 30 minute junior recital.
Students are required to enroll in AM 300: Recital (P/F)(U)(0) during the semester in which the recital is presented. AM 299: Upper Divisional Examination (P/F)(U)(0) is a prerequisite for AM 300.
Performance majors must also present a 60 minute senior recital.
Students pursuing a B.M. in performance + music education degree (instrumental, piano, voice) must present a 30 minute senior recital.
Student are required to enroll in AM 400: Recital (P/F)(U)(0) during the semester in which the recital is presented.
Composition majors must present a graduation recital, and should enroll in MT 408: Composition Recital (P/F)(U)(0) during the semester in which the recital is presented.
Jazz Studies majors must present a graduation recital, and should enroll in AM 494: Jazz Recital (P/F)(U)(0) during the semester in which the recital is presented.
Recital Hearings
Students presenting a degree-required recital, except for composition recitals, must pass a recital hearing.
Recital Grading Policy
All degree-required recitals (AM 300, AM 400, AM 494, MT 408) must be graded by a minimum of three faculty members. All other recitals (freshman or sophomore recitals, chamber music ensembles, etc.) are not graded.
It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that the Recital Grading Form is signed by the faculty panel and turned in to the School of Music office; a copy of the recital program must be attached to the form.
In most areas, at least two of the three faculty members must be from the “area” (strings, woodwinds, etc.); check with your applied teacher to be sure. If the required number of faculty cannot attend the recital in person, listening to a recording of the recital by a faculty member is permissible.
Recital Information and Checklist
Download the Recital Information and Checklist PDF for the most up-to-date information about the recital process (scheduling, programs, keys, etc.).
Recital Request and Payment Form