About the Lifelong Learning Collaborative

The importance of lifelong learning educational programs and models continues to grow as our population ages and evolves. Specifically, approximately 10,000 Baby Boomers will turn 65 every day from now until 2030. These statistics coupled with research from the Pew Research Center (2015) found 74 percent of adults consider themselves lifelong learners, indicating a growing demand for lifelong educational opportunities. At Butler, we also recognize the tremendous health benefits that lifelong learning opportunities provide like increased longevity, contributions to brain health, increased creativity and purpose, and community connections. We are excited to launch the Butler Lifelong Learning Collaborative as an additional educational model to support the natural human motivation to learn, engage, and grow—at any age.

“My passion is teaching. When I can blend that passion with my love for good food, wellness, and community, the possibilities are limitless.” —Dr. Jane Gervasio