Student Resources for Online Learning

The following information and resources are provided to help answer questions you may have, as well as determine if online and hybrid learning is right for you.

Enrolling in Online and Hybrid Courses

Interested in enrolling in an online or hybrid course? To view the entire list of online and hybrid courses offered at Butler:

  1. Navigate to the Class Search.
  2. Set the Term to “Year term.”
  3. Click the Additional Search Criteria dropdown.
  4. In the Mode of Instruction menu, select “Online” or “Hybrid.”
  5. Click “Search.”


Students can find additional help information on the Butler LibGuides site. Depending on the course, you may have a LibGuide created specifically for your class or a general LibGuide for your subject area. Additionally, the Center for Academic Technology creates and updates LibGuides for class projects involving technology and for our BU supported tools. These CAT LibGuides include:

Technology Help


Online students needing technology help can contact the IT Help Desk by logging into ask.butler and submitting a ticket. Students can also find self-help resources on Ask.Butler, including:

Canvas 24/7 Support

Students have access to 24/7 help from the Canvas support team. Contact Canvas Support at 1 (844) 483-5026 or through their online chat.

Keep Calm and Study On

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Butler Information Commons students created emergency remote learning resources for students, including: