Applying the online course template to existing Canvas content

All faculty teaching Summer online courses should complete the online course template setup steps. If you have taught your summer course online before, these setup steps will walk you through importing your content and adding the template to your existing content. In addition, these steps will help you develop a “Start Here” module with essential course information.

Tip: The order matters! It may be tempting to first import your existing content. However, this will cause formatting issues. Make sure to start by importing the online course template, i.e., Step 1 below.

A note about combining multiple sections

If you teach multiple sections of the same course and would like to use one course shell to deliver your course content, we recommend combining the sections into one course before you start building. Refer to the cross-listing guide on Ask.Butler for details on how to combine sections (called cross-listing).

Did you know?
Our Butler students have requested more consistent use of the Canvas gradebook.
Entering grades in a timely manner is one step all faculty can take to ensure that we are meeting the C-RAC guidelines that govern online education.

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