Astronomy and Astrophysics: Recommended Three-Year Path


  • Students must enroll in PH490 Colloquium every semester.
  • This plan assumes students will test out of only one semester of foreign language.
  • This plan applies to students entering in the fall of an odd year (2021, 2023, etc.).
    • Other students can graduate in 3.5 years.
    • Please consult with the Department Chair.
Fall OneTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
PH201, Introduction to Analytical Physics5
MA106, Calculus and Analytic Geometry 14
FYS101, First Year Seminar3
Foreign Language (1)4
PWB, Physical Well-Being1
Spring OneTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
PH202, Introduction to Analytical Physics5
MA107, Calculus and Analytic Geometry 24
FYS102, First Year Seminar3
Foreign Language (2)3
CS142, Introduction to Computer Science and Programming3
Summer OneTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
AS102, Modern Astronomy with Lab5
GHS (1), Global & Historical Studies3
Fall TwoTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
PH301, Modern Physics3
AS301, Modern Astronomical Techniques3
MA208, Calculus and Analytic Geometry 34
PCA, Perspectives in the Creative Arts or SW, Social World or TI, Texts & Ideas3
Foreign Language (3)3
Spring TwoTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
PH303, Electromagnetic Waves and Optics3
AS311, Astrophysics 13
MA215, Linear Algebra3
PCA, Perspectives in the Creative Arts or SW, Social World or TI, Texts & Ideas3
PH325 Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics (optional) or other elective4
Summer TwoTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
PH331, Electromagnetic Theory (might be offered as independent-study)4
GHS (2), Global & Historical Studies3
ICR Elective3
Fall ThreeTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
AS312, Astrophysics 23
PH495, Senior Seminar1
PCA, Perspectives in the Creative Arts or SW, Social World or TI, Texts & Ideas3
MA334, Differential Equations3
PH421 Quantum theory (optional) or other elective4
Elective in Physics, Astronomy or other discipline4
Spring ThreeTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
AS340, Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics3
PH321, Intermediate Classical Mechanics4
PH491, Undergraduate Tutorial and Research3
PH311 Experimental Modern Physics (optional) or other elective3
Elective in Physics, Astronomy or other discipline4