Resident Members

Resident members are members of other Phi Beta Kappa chapters who are faculty, staff, or emeriti at Butler University.

Brooke Beloso
Zeta of Washington D.C.
Christopher Bungard
Theta of Ohio
Hillary G Buttrick
Alpha of Indiana
Shelley A. Etnier
Epsilon of Tennessee
Stuart S. Glennan
Alpha of Connecticut
Amanda C. Hall
Iota of Pennsylvania

Paul Hanson
Theta of Indiana
Tom Hanson
Delta of Minnesota
Brent Hege
Theta of Indiana
Kristen E. Hoerl
Lambda of Pennsylvania
Karen M. Holmes
Delta of Minnesota
M. Rusty Jones, Jr.
Alpha of Florida
Bill Johnston
Delta of North Carolina
Joseph Kirsch
Theta of Indiana
Mary Rose Kleiman
Delta of Indiana
Lindsay Lewellyn
Alpha of North Carolina
Tara Lineweaver
Theta of Indiana
Wendy Jo Meaden
Gamma of Maine

Richard W. Miller
Alpha of Virginia
Judith Morrel (emeritus)*
Theta of Indiana
Kathryn A. Morris
Iota of Pennsylvania
Sally R. Neal
Gamma of Indiana
Katherine B. Novak
Gamma of Indiana
Alison O’Malley
Theta of Indiana
Charissa Osborne
Theta of Indiana
J. B. Deane Orris
Alpha of Iowa
Carmen M. Salsbury
Epsilon of Texas
Katherine M. Schmid
Gamma of Maryland
James L. Shellhaas
Epsilon of Ohio
Paul R. Valliere
Gamma of Massachusetts

* Foundation Members—Foundation Members are honorary members elected at the founding of a chapter.