University Assessment Committee
Established by the Office of the Provost, the University Assessment Committee (UAC) fosters a university-wide culture of continuous improvement in both academic and administrative areas. The primary charge of the UAC is to ensure ongoing assessment systems at Butler that apply effective practices to improve student learning and development, and university services and operations. To that end, the UAC provides guidance for, and oversight of, University-wide assessment policies while monitoring the effectiveness of the overall assessment system. Committee membership reflects the institutional scope of assessment activities and the diversity of assessment approaches across campus. The Committee is divided into academic and administrative subcommittees that allow for more focused attention to the improvement of student learning and university services and operations. Specifically, the full UAC is responsible for:
- Reviewing assessment information and trends aggregated from multiple sources and providing recommendations to inform the University’s decision making and strategic planning initiatives.
- Recommending and approving changes or modifications to university assessment systems.
- Monitoring annual assessment reporting for all academic programs and administrative units in collaboration with the Director of Institutional Research and Assessment.
- Monitoring and assisting with university-level accreditation efforts and comprehensive reviews.
- Providing periodic reviews of annual assessment reports from academic and administrative units and assisting with providing feedback to the reporting units in collaboration with the Director of Institutional Research and Assessment.
- Communicating with University constituents and leadership across campus about assessment policies and activities as appropriate.
The academic subcommittee is comprised of representatives from each of the six Butler colleges and schools, the faculty director of the Core curriculum, one representative from Butler libraries, the Director of Institutional Research and Assessment, and key assessment personnel representing professionally accredited programs. The administrative subcommittee is comprised of selected directors and key assessment personnel from a cross-section of administrative divisions and offices. The Director of Institutional Research and Assessment (or his/her designee) chairs the UAC and its subcommittees and serves in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity.