Classics (Greek and Roman Culture): Recommended Three-Year Path


  • CLA324: Law and Orator covers the Speaking Across the Curriculum requirement
  • *Currently we recognize the following as automatically counting towards this requirement: HS310, PL311, PO381, RL308
  • CLA322: Art and Architecture of Greece and Rome covers the Writing Across the Curriculum requirement
  • Students testing into LT203 or GK203 will only need to take one year of language courses. The freed-up slots can be used for electives inside or outside of Classics.
  • Students may want to continue with their study on one ancient language throughout their undergraduate career and/or pick-up courses in the other language. In this case, students can fill in any of the “electives” noted above with Ancient Greek or Latin courses.
  • Students interested in pursuing advanced graduate work may also benefit from the study of French or German which are offered at Butler. These would most easily be accommodated in the fifth and sixth semesters.
  • Students interested in Archaeology might benefit from coursework in History or Anthropology. Classics offers four courses on a regular basis in the summer time, one online (CLA 261: Etymology), one short term study abroad program to Greece that is 6 credit hours (CLA 300), and two courses that are part of a combined short term study abroad program to Italy that is 4 credit hours (TI 200 CL and PWB 170 CL). Students should plan to take one of these courses during the summer, as well as several other core courses. Students could also partner with a professor to take a Classics course as an independent study over the summer. All Liberal Arts and Sciences students are required to take two semesters of language at the 200 level or above, and either Ancient Greek or Latin can count for this. Students wishing to complete their studies in three years should try to test out of one or more semesters of language; however, the schedule presumes the student has not tested out of any courses.
Fall OneTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
GK or LT, Ancient Greek or Latin, 1st Semester4
FYS101, First Year Seminar3
Global & Historical Studies (GHS)3
Perspectives in the Creative Arts (PCA262-CLA is recommended, Greek Art and Myth)3
Analytical Reasoning (AR)3
Texts & Ideas (TI) – Roman or Greek Perspectives, depending on offerings3
Spring OneTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
GK or LT, Ancient Greek or Latin, 2nd Semester4
Social World (SW)3
FYS102, First Year Seminar3
Texts & Ideas (TI)- Roman or Greek Perspectives, depending on offerings3
Elective (any discipline)3
Elective (any discipline)3
Summer OneTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
Global & Historical Studies (GHS)3
CLA261, Etymology: Word Power for Test Takers3
Fall TwoTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
GK or LT, Ancient Greek or Latin, 3rd Semester3
CLA upper-level course*3
NW, Natural World5
PWB, Physical Well-Being1
Elective (any discipline)3
Elective (any discipline)3
Spring TwoTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
GK or LT, Ancient Greek or Latin, 4th Semester3
CLA upper-level course3
Elective (any discipline)3
Elective (any discipline)3
Elective (any discipline)3
Elective (any discipline)3
Summer TwoTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
Short-term study abroad program for CLA credit4-6
Fall ThreeTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
Upper-level course outside of CLA with focus on Classical World*3
WAC, Writing Across the Curriculum 33
ICR, Indianapolis Community Requirement3
Upper-level elective (any discipline)3
Upper-level elective (any discipline)3
Upper-level elective (any discipline)3
Spring ThreeTerm Credit HoursCumulative Credit Hours
Upper-level elective (any discipline)3
Upper-level elective (any discipline)3
Upper-level elective (any discipline)3
Upper-level elective (any discipline)3
Upper-level elective (any discipline)3
Upper-level elective (any discipline)3